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Englisch Dialoge Übungen 5 Klasse
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  • 5 Klasse
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Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions that follow.

Mike: Hi, Karen. It’s Mike. How are you doing?

Karen: I’m doing well, thanks. How about you?

Mike: I’m doing OK. But I’ve been really busy lately.

Karen: Yes, I’ve been busy, too. I’ve been taking care of my sick grandmother.

Mike: I’m sorry to hear that. Is she doing any better?

Karen: Yes, she’s doing a little better now. But she’s still in the hospital.

Mike: That’s too bad. I hope she gets out of the hospital soon.

Karen: Me, too. Thanks for your concern.

Mike: You’re welcome.

1. Who has been taking care of Karen’s sick grandmother?

2. Where is Karen’s grandmother now?

3. What does Mike hope for Karen’s grandmother?


1. Karen has been taking care of her sick grandmother.

2. Karen’s grandmother is in the hospital.

3. Mike hopes that Karen’s grandmother gets out of the hospital soon.

Übung 2.:

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions that follow.

Susan: Hi, Bill. I’m going to the movies tonight. Do you want to come with me?

Bill: I’d love to, but I can’t. I have to work late tonight.

Susan: Oh, that’s too bad. What time do you have to work?

Bill: I have to be at work at 8:00 p.m.

Susan: What time do you think you’ll be done?

Bill: I’ll be done at 11:00 p.m.

Susan: That’s too late. The movie starts at 7:30 p.m.

Bill: I’m sorry, but I can’t go. Maybe we can go to the movies another time.

Susan: OK. That sounds good. Thanks, anyway.

Bill: You’re welcome.

1. What is Susan doing tonight?

2. What is Bill doing tonight?

3. When does the movie start?

4. Will Bill be able to go to the movie with Susan?


1. Susan is going to the movies tonight.

2. Bill is working late tonight.

3. The movie starts at 7:30 p.m.

4. No, Bill will not be able to go to the movie with Susan.